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A movie by Giovanni Andrea Semerano
A dreamlike voyage between cinema and reality where the characters live in a memory in and out of time, time of the narrative and the vision. The main character Franco Brocani lives at the limit of a thought and dreamt imagination along with an extreme sense of death, life, creativity, humanity, love and cinema.
Editing: Matias Guerra, Giovanni Andrea Semerano
Music by: Matias Guerra
Compositions and performances by: Marco Colonna, Elena Kakaliagou, Paolo Gàiba Riva, Matias Guerra.
a video by Robert Cahen and Matias Guerra originated from an interpretation of John Cage's "Imaginary Landscape n.5" // 2017.
On CINEMA & CIE Issue 33 a full study by Sandra Lischi and myself.
Graphix // soon-online