Afterword by Matias Guerra
8 digital collages prints for the book
This was magic.It's one of those strange cases where you think you were bound sooner or later to do something with that determinate person. I have met Pino in many occasion but we were never "introduced" so to say, not that where we met we'd need introductions. After sometime I asked Andrea of Camera Verde "we should contact Pino Bertelli and see if we could print some of his photos"... that was left there, as many wishes, in the air. After a year it was Pino contacting us and saying "I follow you guys, we should meet". Andrea and Pino met several times, they decided to publish Pino's Pamphlet on Debord, and I was asked to do the afterword, that of course being debordian, is not in words but in visuals. Pino accepted without even checking out whom I was. He saw all the images once the book was printed, magic. We held hostage the public in Camera Verde during the presentation, chatting about the book, Debord, and mainly subversion and beauty (they kind of go together!)
web: Pino Bertelli