I was explaining one day to my partner various sci-fi theories about time travel (I recall reading a book called "The Science of Science Fiction" but can't remember the authors), the discussion went onto string-theory and led to a more in depth study of physics during the following months. Meanwhile I had been thinking about a quick time/space metaphor for paper, came up with FUU #1 and then the work took me to think at interactive sculptures or boxes with light, that I had already been trying to develop for some time. FUU #3 is being developed with plexiglass boxes and arduino cards. I'd love for large versions to be commissioned. One of my FUU#1 papers was used for Giuliano Mesa's "Nun" - ebook for GAMM
A sample of the papers FUU #1: transparent paper A4, permanent pen, sigarette ash, cotton thread
they can be seen horizontally, vertically, holding them any way you want
side a
side b
side a
side b
As soon as they're ready I will show the FUU #3 boxes in relation with each other.
Each box has some sort of interaction with it's ambient which outputs a reaction or a modification of it's status, for some it has to do with light for others sound. Read more...
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon